You'll need to be as sly as a fox in this tiny pocket game of bluffing and cunning.
With a box the same size as a pack of gum, Sly has players, secretly playing cards and trying to bluff their way through the game to protect their hens and get them to safety in the hen house! On your turn you can either place a card from your hand (hens numbered 1-6 and a fox) facedown by the hen house, expose an opponents fox that you believe is already out, or reveal and save hens from around the hen house. Once all the spaces around the hen house are full and revealed, or 1 player starts their turn with only 1 card in hand, the game ends and final scores are calculated.
Along the way, you'll manage to get hens to safety in the hen house, have hens eaten by foxes and maybe even capture your opponents fox! But can you outfox your opponents to win the game?
Player Count
2-4 Players
Play Time
15 Minutes